Version 3.16

[FIXED] Several stupid Internet Explorer bugs...
  • The reason for double files and some other incorrect things happening was when the user logged in, the sharing modals was being loaded twice depending on if pressing enter or clicking the login button when using different versions of IE.
  • Password progress meters now work in IE9.
  • File uploads are still wonky and limited to php.ini settings for IE9. There's no way around that at this time. Hopefully there aren't too many IE9 users out there!
  • Made some other tweaks for IE too.
[FIXED] Update Process
  • Depending on the version being updated from, a discovery was made where if something changed in the functions.php or session handling files would cause strange errors.
  • Fixed by writing to a temporary file and then deleting at the end of the update.
[FIXED] Regular users can now see the public shares they created from the Files menu.

[FIXED] User Profiles
  • Better checking if globally turned off or per user.
  • If profile edit access is disabled, then clicking your name when logging in will do nothing.
  • Does not apply to admins or super admins when set in the Site Settings.
[FIXED] In the profile page when you click your name, you will see the first address line instead of a duplicated second address line if entered.

[FIXED] Removed some directories from being shown in the Orphan Files list. "private" won't be shown now...

[FIXED] Invoice Payment Default Date
  • If you don't change the date when making a payment, it will now actually record the payment date as shown and not "today's" date.
  • Default date value was wrong variable...
[FIXED] Public upload form to not submit when pressing enter on form fields.

[ADDED] Session Duration
  • In Site Settings > Basic Info, you can set the time in minutes for a session to be valid. The default is 30 minutes.
  • If a user doesn't interact within this time, the session will be terminated forcing them to the login screen. If a user is uploading a file, the session will not be terminated if no interaction.
  • This setting is basically for an inactive time period, not since the user logged in.
  • Site Settings > Basic Info
[ADDED] Option to allow users to share to other users automatically if the company in their profile matches other user's company in their profile.
  • Site Settings > Users.
[ADDED] Option to disable sending email notifications to admin(s) when a user uploads files.
  • Site Settings > Files.
[ADDED] Option to enable or disable creating public shares to system users.
  • This is inefficient in most circumstances so it is disabled by default.
  • Public shares to system users will NOT show up in their file listing when they're logged in!
  • Site Settings > Files.
[ENHANCED] Overdue Invoice Processing
  • The first day it is overdue, it will send out the first reminder.
  • Subsequent reminders will be sent per the "Days Grace" setting you specified in settings.
[ENHANCED] Allow more special characters for file descriptions.
  • ~!@#$%^%&*()_-+={}[]|<>,.?/:;"'
[ENHANCED] Generated Passwords
  • They now won't contain easilly confused characters/numbers such as Il1|, 0O, etc.
  • Added a button to generate a strong 15 character password when changing passwords within your profile page and creating account from the login page.

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